March 18, 2012

Hearts at Home 2012

I spent Friday evening and most of Saturday at Hearts at Home's National Conference on the campus of Illinois State University.  This was my first time attending this annual event, and let me tell you - I cannot wait to go again next year!

I took Friday afternoon off, and my dear friend, Stephanie, picked me up around 1:30.  Our first stop was the mall in Bloomington where we took our time to browse, eat ice cream, sit and chat, and browse some more - all rare occurrences when you're the mother of young children!  We met three other moms for dinner at Medici, and then the five of us headed to Moms' Night Out where we laughed until our faces hurt.  Part of the entertainment was provided by Carl, Matt, and Mike of 321 Improv.  Talk about good, clean fun!  (If you ever have a chance to see their show, do it.  You won't be disappointed.)  A friend's parents offered to put us up for the night and even cooked breakfast for us Saturday morning.  I won't soon forget their eager hospitality.

Friday night was the first night I had ever spent away from Garrett.  (Obviously, I survived!)

That's Stephanie and me among more than 6,200 moms!
What I took away from this weekend is that we, on our own, don't have what it takes to accomplish what we've been called to do - as mothers, as fathers, as wives, as people.  We must draw strength from God for the journey.

...and there's no such thing as a perfect mom.  (Whew.)

1 comment:

  1. I thought of you and hoped you would have a great experience, and it turns out you did! Thankfully you learned that no mom is perfect, especially and including me; however, I tend to think you just may be the perfect daughter. :-)
    Love you!
