June 7, 2011

Pirates & Pals

We Hannas spent our Sunday afternoon celebrating some great kids' birthdays with some wonderful friends at Pirates' Cove in Elk Grove Village, IL.  Caroline, affectionately referred to as "Little Person Girl" by her parents, is already 3 years old, and her brother, Sam, "Big Man", is 1!  (It had been entirely too long since we'd seen the Alips; we hadn't yet met Sam, and they hadn't yet met Garrett.)  It was a beautiful day, and I can't wait for us all to get together again.  Enjoy the pictures!

The Birthday Girl

The Birthday Boy (Oh, that face!)

"I'm pooped."
Claire, Caroline's & Sam's cousin, in an intense round
of Spot It
Claire's younger sister, Maggie, waiting to spot "It", a match

P.S. Spot It is a fun game that I intend to add to our collection in a few years.  It is recommended for kids who are at least 6 years old, but Claire and Maggie are 4 and 3, I believe, and they dominated!


  1. Love your photos! Looks like everyone had a great time. And can you start feeding your son??? (Love the chubby legs...)

    By the way, I'm haveing Garrett withdrawal...

  2. Love Pirate's Cove! Wish I knew you were so close to us! We just acquired Spot It about a month ago. Garrett's getting so big!
